§ 250-124. Commercial athletic training facilities in POD-S Zone.

Latest version.
  • Commercial athletic training facilities in the POD-S Zone shall comply with the following standards.
    Minimum tract area: 20 acres.
    Minimum building setback from Park Avenue right-of-way: 1,000 feet.
    Minimum building setback from all other streets, public or private: 100 feet from right-of-way line for public streets; 100 feet from curbline for private streets.
    Minimum building setback from all other property lines (except street rights-of-way): 50 feet.
    Minimum parking setback from Park Avenue right-of-way: 1,000 feet.
    Minimum parking setback from all other streets, public or private: 50 feet from right-of way line for public streets; 50 feet from curbline or pavement edge for private streets.
    Minimum number of parking spaces: 1.6 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area, but excluding floor area occupied by practice fields.
    Maximum permitted building coverage: 35%.
    Maximum total improved coverage: 40%.
    Maximum permitted building height: 60 feet, except that maximum permitted height for air-supported domes or buildings for indoor practice fields shall be 125 feet.
    Commercial athletic training facilities may be located on a lot without frontage on a public street so long as:
    Such lot is provided with access to a public street by means of an improved private street or driveway measuring at least 24 feet in width, with the perpetual right to access and egress over the improved private street or driveway granted by a recorded permanent easement;
    Such easement is reviewed and approved by the Planning Board Attorney and Borough Engineer to ensure adequate provision for future maintenance of the public street or driveway; and
    Such private street or driveway is adequate to accommodate fire trucks and other emergency vehicles.
    Outdoor lighting shall be permitted for athletic fields within commercial athletic training facilities subject to the following:
    Maximum height: 100 feet.
    All lighting fixtures shall be equipped with hoods to minimize spillage beyond the perimeter of the athletic field.
Added 9-19-2006 by Ord. No. 8-06