§ 250-123. Planned unit development in POD-N and POD-S Zones.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Required Components of PUD.
    Any planned unit development in the POD-N and POD-S Zones shall contain the following components:
    A mandatory open space component consisting of at least 200 acres. The open space component shall be either permanently deed restricted to open space use or dedicated to the municipality for open space purposes, including athletic fields and other active recreation uses, and/or facilities for municipal utilities. Lands dedicated to the Borough shall be no closer than 50 feet to the wetlands line.
    A commercial use component containing up to but not more than 830,000 square feet of gross floor area occupied by any one or more of the uses permitted under § 250-117A(1) through (4) above; in addition to the above-permitted 830,000 square feet of gross floor area, the commercial use component may also contain i) a hotel and conference center in conformance with the requirements of § 250-119A above, and ii) corporate suites in conformance with the requirements of § 250-123C(2) below.
    [Amended 3-18-2008 by Ord. No. 08-4; 4-17-2014 by Ord. No. 14-1]
    A commercial athletic training facilities component comprising at least 20 acres.
    An age-restricted residential housing component consisting of single-family detached and/or multifamily age-restricted housing units at a density not exceeding 2.00 units per acre. Density shall be computed on the basis of all land area within the PUD, except land area included within the commercial use component or the commercial athletic training facilities component. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the residential housing component shall not contain more than 425 age-restricted housing units.
    [Amended 3-18-2008 by Ord. No. 08-4; 7-16-2015 by Ord. No. 15-12]
    A supportive and special-needs housing component consisting of a mix of one-bedroom and two-bedroom supportive housing units not to exceed 98 bedrooms and one group home with a maximum of four bedrooms for special needs adults who require full-time supervision.
    [Added 12-15-2016 by Ord. No. 16-17]
    Except as provided in Subsection B below with regard to utility improvements, no part of the commercial use component, commercial athletic training facilities component, age-restricted residential housing component, or supportive and special-needs housing component of any planned unit development may be located in the POD-N Zone.
    [Amended 12-15-2016 by Ord. No. 16-17]
    Requirements for mandatory open space component. Mandatory open space within the PUD shall be located on the north side of Route 24. Mandatory open space may contain active recreation uses as well as utility improvements and easements servicing permitted development in the PUD and/or the surrounding community.
    Requirements for commercial use component.
    [Amended 3-18-2008 by Ord. No. 08-4; 4-17-2014 by Ord. No. 14-1]
    In general. All development within the commercial use component shall comply with the area, yard, setback, height, and coverage requirements of § 250-121 above, except that hotel and conference center development shall instead be governed by § 250-119A, corporate suites shall instead be governed by § 250-123C(2) below, and maximum improved coverage within the commercial use component of the PUD shall not exceed 40% of the total land area occupied by the commercial use component. Except for a hotel and conference center, and corporate suites, total gross floor area within the commercial use component of the PUD shall not exceed 830,000 square feet.
    Requirements for corporate suites.
    No more than 256 corporate suites units shall be permitted within the POD-S Zone.
    [Amended 7-16-2015 by Ord. No. 15-12]
    Notwithstanding the provisions of § 250-121F above, any building containing corporate suites shall be situated on a lot fronting on Park Avenue.
    Minimum lot size for corporate suites shall be eight acres.
    The minimum building setback from any Park Avenue connector street shall be 65 feet.
    The minimum building setback from Park Avenue shall be 150 feet.
    The minimum building setback from all other property lines shall be 50 feet.
    The minimum parking setback from Park Avenue shall be 150 feet, 50 feet from other streets and 10 feet from other property lines.
    A parking garage provided beneath a building containing corporate suites shall not be counted as a story, provided that the garage floor is at or below the adjacent grade of Park Avenue.
    Parking shall be provided for corporate suites in conformance with the requirements of chapter § 250-105.
    Except as otherwise provided above, corporate suites shall conform to the height, lot width, yard, building coverage, and improved coverage requirements applicable to commercial development in the POD-S Zone as set forth in § 250-121 above.
    Prior to a certificate of occupancy issued for any corporate suite, there may be a direct internal vehicular connection between the corporate suite and the other facilities within the planned unit development, subject to the approval of the Planning Board. Such connection shall be in addition to access to Park Avenue.
    The corporate suites shall be designed and operated in such a manner that both the amenities provided indoors and outdoors shall be an integral part of the facility that distinguishes it from residential rental apartments and hotels.
    Indoor gross floor area devoted to the indoor accessory amenities and facilities described in the "corporate suites" definition shall be within the range of from 6% to 8% of the gross floor area occupied by all suites/occupancy units, accessory hallways, elevators and stairways within the building, as well as supporting mechanical areas (referred to as "suites gross floor area" or "SGFA"). Outdoor area devoted to the outdoor accessory amenities and facilities described in the "corporate suites" definition shall equal at least 12% of the SGFA.
    Editor's Note: See § 250-2.2, Definitions.
    Requirements for commercial athletic training facilities component. The commercial athletic training facilities component shall comply with the standards set forth in § 250-124 below.
    Requirements for age-restricted residential housing component.
    [Amended 3-18-2008 by Ord. No. 08-4; 12-15-2016 by Ord. No. 16-17]
    All housing units within the age-restricted residential housing component shall comply with the following requirements:
    Minimum number of low- and moderate-income housing units: 18 units.
    Minimum building setback from Park Avenue right-of-way: 150 feet.
    Minimum building setback from all other streets, public or private, providing direct access to any nonresidential use within the PUD: 50 feet from right-of-way line for public streets; 50 feet from curbline for private streets.
    Minimum building setback to all perimeter boundaries of the PUD: 50 feet.
    Minimum building setback from all other property lines: 20 feet.
    Minimum parking setback from Park Avenue right-of-way: 150 feet.
    Minimum parking setback to all other streets, public or private, providing direct access to any nonresidential use within the PUD: 50 feet from right-of-way line for public streets; 50 feet from curbline for private streets.
    Minimum parking setback to all perimeter boundaries of the PUD: 50 feet.
    Subject to the exceptions below, the minimum building setback from all streets or alleyways providing direct access to a garage at the rear of a residential building (such streets or alleyways are herein referred to as "garage accessways") shall be 8.5 feet measured from the curbline; the minimum building setback from all other streets, public or private, providing direct access only to age-restricted housing units within the PUD shall be 20 feet, measured from the right-of-way line for public streets and from the curbline for private streets. Notwithstanding the foregoing:
    For single-family detached age-restricted housing units, encroachments within minimum building setbacks shall be permitted as provided in § 250-123E(2)(e) and (f) below.
    For multifamily age-restricted housing units, open covered porches, uncovered patios and decks, balconies, and stoops may extend seven feet into the required setback from streets other than garage accessways; uncovered steps may extend up to two feet from the street sidewalk, measured from the sidewalk edge closest to the building; and planter boxes may extend up to the street sidewalk edge located closest to the building.
    Minimum building setback from all parking spaces serving age-restricted residential uses within the PUD: 15 feet. This requirement shall not apply to parking on streets or in driveways.
    Minimum parking setback from all streets, public or private, providing direct access only to age-restricted residential uses within the PUD: 10 feet from right-of-way line for public streets; 10 feet from curbline for private streets. This requirement shall not apply to on-street parking.
    Maximum aggregate building coverage within the age-restricted residential housing component: 25%. (Such coverage shall be calculated based on the total land area within the age-restricted residential housing component of the PUD.)
    Maximum aggregate improved tract coverage within the age-restricted residential housing component: 50% (such coverage shall be calculated based on the total land area within the age-restricted residential housing component of the PUD); provided, however, that total improved coverage for the entire POD-S Zone shall not exceed 40%.
    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere in this chapter, roof projections such as chimneys, spires, cupolas, towers, and flagpoles shall be permitted to extend up to 10 feet beyond the highest point of the roof, provided that the area of all such projections does not exceed 10% of the total roof area.
    Single-family detached age-restricted housing units shall comply with the following additional requirements:
    [Added 4-20-2017 by Ord. No. 17-5]
    Such housing units may be located on private streets, provided that such streets meet minimum requirements of the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS).
    Minimum lot area: 5,500 square feet.
    Minimum lot width: 55 feet.
    Minimum lot depth: 110 feet.
    Minimum front yard: 20 feet, provided that:
    Open, covered porches, balconies, stoops and uncovered patios and decks may extend seven feet into the required front yard;
    Notwithstanding the provisions defining setback lines in § 250-2.2 of this chapter, uncovered steps may extend up to two feet from the street sidewalk, measured from the sidewalk edge closest to the building; and
    Planter boxes may extend up the street sidewalk edge located closest to the building.
    Minimum rear yard: 20 feet, provided that open, covered porches, uncovered steps, balconies, stoops and uncovered patios and decks may extend six feet into the required twenty-foot rear yard, and where the rear yard abuts a garage accessway, the minimum setback shall be 8.5 feet measured from the garage accessway curbline.
    Minimum side yards: six feet (one), 15 feet (both). Walls attached to a dwelling unit, up to six feet in height, are permitted within a minimum side yard.
    Maximum height: 2 1/2 stories/35 feet.
    Accessory buildings and swimming pools are not permitted on any lot containing a single-family detached age-restricted housing unit.
    Multifamily age-restricted housing units shall comply with the following additional requirements:
    [Added 4-20-2017 by Ord. No. 17-5]
    Minimum distance between buildings: 24 feet between townhouse buildings; 30 feet between other multifamily buildings; and 30 feet between a townhouse building and another (nontownhouse) multifamily building. Porches, balconies, stoops and walls up to six feet in height attached to a building may project up to eight feet into minimum required distances between buildings, provided that no two adjoining townhouse buildings with an allowable projection between them shall be less than 16 feet apart. As used in this subsection, "townhouse" shall mean a multifamily dwelling unit with no dwelling units above or below it. Uncovered steps shall be permitted within minimum distances between buildings.
    Maximum building height: three stories/45 feet for buildings without parking underneath; three stories/55 feet for buildings with parking underneath. All multifamily age-restricted housing units within the PUD must be constructed with a gable, hip, gambrel, mansard or other similar style pitched roof.
    Requirements for supportive and special-needs housing component.
    [Added 12-15-2016 by Ord. No. 16-17]
    Minimum lot size shall be eight acres.
    Minimum building setback from Park Avenue right-of-way shall be 50 feet.
    Minimum building setback from other streets shall be 50 feet.
    Minimum building setback from all other property lines shall be 25 feet.
    Minimum parking setback from Park Avenue right-of-way shall be 100 feet, 50 feet from other streets and 15 feet from other property lines.
    Maximum building coverage shall be 25% (Such coverage shall be calculated based on the total land area within the supportive and special needs housing component of the PUD.)
    Maximum impervious coverage shall be 45% (Such coverage shall be calculated based on the total land area within the supportive and special needs housing component of the PUD.)
    Minimum distance between buildings shall be 25 feet.
    Maximum building height: 2 1/2 stories/35 feet.
    Parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 5:21 and Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS). However, the Planning Board shall have the discretion to grant a de minimis exception from RSIS standards based on the anticipated reduced parking demand for supportive and special needs housing.
Added 9-19-2006 by Ord. No. 8-06