Chapter 77. Amusement and Recreation Facilities  

§ 77-1. License required.
§ 77-2. Application; issuances; duration; fee.
§ 77-3. Safety requirements; inspections.
§ 77-4. Operation; posting of license.
§ 77-5. Revocation of license.
§ 77-6. Violations and penalties.
HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Florham Park 5-22-1973 by Ord. No. 11-73. Amendments noted where applicable.


Amusement devices — See Ch. 80.
Bingo — See Ch. 85.
Noise — See Ch. 155.
Parks and playgrounds — See Ch. 171.
Peace and good order — See Ch. 175.
Poolrooms and billiard parlors — See Ch. 184.