§ 212-34. Conformance required.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The subdivision plat and site plan shall conform to design standards that will encourage good development patterns within the Borough. Where an Official Map or Master Plan has been adopted, the subdivision and site plan shall conform to the proposals and conditions shown thereon. The streets, drainage, rights-of-way, school sites, public parks and playgrounds shown on an officially adopted Master Plan or Official Map shall be considered in approval of all plats.
    Subdivisions and site plans for properties located within the B-1 and PB-2 Zoning Districts and/or as specified in the map attached to and made a part of Chapter 60, Town Center Task Force, shall be in conformance with the Town Center Task Force’s standards and guidelines, which are hereby adopted, approved and incorporated herein. A copy of such standards and guidelines shall be kept on file in the Offices of the Borough Clerk and the Planning Board Secretary.
    Editor's Note: Said map is attached to Ord. No. 07-12 and on file in the Office of the Borough Clerk.
Amended 7-23-2008 by Ord. No. 08-24