§ 212-45. Submission requirement.  

Latest version.
  • The following information shall be submitted for all general development plans:
    A general land use plan indicating the tract area and general locations of the land uses to be included in the planned development. The total number of dwelling units and amount of nonresidential floor area to be provided and proposed land area to be devoted to residential and nonresidential use shall be set forth. In addition, the proposed types of nonresidential uses to be included in the planned development shall be set forth, and the land area to be occupied by each proposed use shall be estimated. The density and intensity of the use of the entire planned development shall be set forth and a residential density and a nonresidential floor area ratio shall be provided. The land use plan shall be at scale consisting of no more than 200 feet per inch. Except in the case of a planned unit development, the impervious coverage of a tract area including the entire POD-S and POD-N Zones shall not exceed 25% and the impervious coverage of a tract consisting of the POD-S Zone alone shall not exceed 40%, and these calculations shall be provided. Improved lot coverage for planned unit development shall be regulated by § 250-123 of Chapter 250.
    A circulation plan showing the general location and types of transportation facilities, including facilities for pedestrian access within the planned development and any proposed improvements to the existing transportation system outside the planned development.
    An open space plan showing the proposed land area and general location of parks and any other land areas to be set aside for conservation and recreational purposes and a general description of improvements proposed to be made thereon, including a plan for the operation and maintenance of parks and recreational lands.
    A utility plan indicating the need for and showing the proposed location of sewage and water lines, any drainage facilities necessitated by the physical characteristics of the site, proposed methods for handling solid waste disposal, and a plan for the operation and maintenance of proposed utilities.
    A stormwater management plan setting forth the proposed method of controlling and managing stormwater on site. The plan shall reflect stormwater management standards in conformance with N.J.A.C. 7:8-1.1 et seq., any Borough ordinance implementing those standards, and, where applicable, the Residential Site Improvement Standards, N.J.A.C. 5:21-1.1 et seq.
    An environmental inventory, including a general description of the vegetation, soils, topography, geology, surface hydrology, climate and cultural resources of the site, existing man-made structures or features, and the probable impact of the development on the environmental attributes of the site.
    A community facility plan indicating the scope and type of supporting community facilities which may include, but not be limited to, educational or cultural facilities, historic sites, libraries, hospitals, firehouses, EMS facilities and police stations.
    A local service plan indicating those public services which the applicant proposes to provide and which may include, but not be limited to, water, sewer, cable and solid waste disposal.
    A fiscal report describing the anticipated demand on Borough services to be generated by the planned development and any other financial impacts to be faced by the Borough or applicable school districts as a result of the completion of the planned development. The fiscal report shall also include a detailed projection of property tax revenues which will accrue to the county, municipality and school district according to the timing schedule provided under Subsection J of this section, and following the completion of the planned development in its entirety.
    A proposed timing schedule in the case of a planned development whose construction is contemplated over a period of years, including any terms or conditions which are intended to protect the interests of the public and of the residents who occupy any section of the planned development prior to the completion of the development in its entirety. The timing schedule shall indicate the number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area proposed to be constructed in each section of the development, and shall detail how the sub-plans and impacts described in Subsections A through I above will be implemented and affected for each section of the development.
    The location and identification of any subdivision proposed for lands within the general development plan shall be indicated. Any subdivision within the planned development shall be pursuant to the GDP. Changes to proposed subdivisions shall be incorporated into the approved general development, but such subdivision changes shall not be deemed to be amendments of the GDP and shall not require the payment of new GDP application or escrow fees. Floor area ratio limits shall not apply to individual lots in the POD Zones, but shall apply to the total floor area (other than excluded floor area as defined in § 250-122) within a planned commercial development, and/or the commercial use component of a PUD.
    If the planned commercial development is to be constructed in phases, the general development plan shall show a minimum contiguous lot area of not less than 100 acres for the initial phase of development. The initial phase of development may also include other, smaller, noncontiguous tracts for sewer, water, or other utility facilities intended to serve the initial phase of development.