§ 199-39. Signs in the POD-S and C-4 Zones for commercial uses.

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  • A. 
    Signs permitted for commercial development in the POD-S and C-4 Zones shall be as follows:
    Campus identification signs.
    No more than two campus identification freestanding signs shall be permitted fronting on Park Avenue. Such signs shall conform to the following requirements:
    Maximum size: Seventy square feet per sign, and no sign shall have more than two display faces.
    Location: Campus identification signs shall be located no closer to Park Avenue than 15 feet.
    Maximum height: Eight feet.
    Illumination: Any illumination for any ground-mounted sign in the C-4 Zone shall not create glare, and the light source shall be shielded from the general public's view.
    Any sign permitted by § 199-33.
    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere in this chapter, in regard to freestanding ground signs permitted by § 199-33:
    One freestanding ground sign shall be permitted for each 400 feet of street frontage of the main access drive abutting the lot on which the sign is located, up to a maximum of two such freestanding ground signs per lot. In the case of multiple buildings per lot, there shall be no more than one freestanding sign per building located along the main access road. These signs shall not face Park Avenue. Additional freestanding signs are permitted in the interior of the lots subject to site plan approval. These signs shall be in addition to any freestanding sign campus identification sign permitted per § 199-39A(1).
    Such freestanding ground signs shall conform to the following requirements:
    Maximum size: Sixty square feet per sign, and no sign shall have more than two faces.
    Maximum height: Eight feet.
    Minimum setback: Ten feet from the property line.
    Wall signs identifying the principal occupant(s) of a building, subject to the following regulations:
    [Amended 7-16-2015 by Ord. No. 15-12]
    Maximum number: two per building, provided that no more than one sign shall be erected on each facade (i.e., side) of the building, subject to the same limitations for restaurants as stated in § 199-38B(1).
    Maximum area: Each sign shall be no more than 2% of the area of the side of the building upon which the sign is mounted, or 125 square feet, whichever is less, subject to the same limitations for restaurants and hotels as stated in § 199-38B(2).
    Illumination: Such signs may be illuminated by internal lighting, backlighting behind opaque letters, or external lighting.
    Wall signs identifying the street address of the building, subject to the following regulations:
    [Amended 7-16-2015 by Ord. No. 15-12]
    Maximum number: one per building.
    Maximum area: 15 square feet.
    Illumination: Such signs may be illuminated by internal lighting, backlighting behind opaque letters, or external lighting.
    Directional signs, subject to the following regulations:
    Location and number: As determined by the Planning Board during the course of site plan review, in order to ensure efficient onsite vehicular and pedestrian circulation and clear directions for pedestrians and motorists.
    Content: Directional signs that display the street address of the property in which they are located may display the name of the business at such address where the Planning Board finds that the display of the business name will facilitate efficient vehicular or pedestrian circulation and/or improved directional information for visitors and guests.
    Maximum area: 24 square feet.
    Maximum height: Eight feet.
    Illumination: Such signs may be illuminated by (i) internal lighting, (ii) backlighting behind opaque letter, or (iii) external lighting.
Added 10-18-2011 by Ord. No. 11-19