§ 199-33. Office, manufacturing and research and laboratory zones.  

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  • A. 
    Signs permitted in office, manufacturing and research and laboratory zones shall be as follows:
    A nonilluminated temporary real estate sign not exceeding 12 square feet in area which advertises the sale, rental or lease of the premises upon which said sign is located, no higher than six feet above the ground.
    Professional nameplates not exceeding six inches in height or 18 inches in length or lawful occupants of the premises under the Zoning Ordinance.
    Bulletin boards or signs not over 16 square feet in area for public, charitable or religious institutions when the same are located on the premises of said institutions.
    Occupational nonilluminated signs affixed to the surface of the building, denoting only the name and profession of an occupant in a commercial building, public institutional building or dwelling house and not exceeding two square feet in area. All such signs shall be of uniform color and materials.
    Governmental traffic control or other signs, legal notices and such temporary or noncommercial advertising signs as may be approved by the Council.
    Flags of the United States, State of New Jersey or other governmental or quasi-public agencies.
    Signs of any governmental agency deemed necessary to the public welfare.
    Illuminated freestanding ground sign not to exceed 24 square feet in area and no higher than eight feet above the ground.
    Wall signs are not permitted in the office, manufacturing, research and laboratory zones.
    Office, manufacturing and research and laboratory zones shall conform in all other respects to requirements of this chapter.