§ 199-25. Temporary signs.  

Latest version.
  • Temporary signs shall be as follows:
    Materials and area limitations. No temporary sign of a combustible material shall exceed four feet in one of its dimensions or 100 square feet in area, and such signs in excess of 60 square feet shall be made of rigid materials.
    Weight limitation. Every temporary sign weighing in excess of 50 pounds must be approved by the Construction Code Official as conforming to the safety requirements of the applicable codes.
    Projection. No temporary sign shall extend over or into any alley, sidewalk or other public thoroughfare a distance greater than four inches from the wall upon which it is erected, and it shall not be placed or projected over any wall opening, except for street banners which shall be no less than 18 feet above said street.
    Obstructions to doors, windows and fire escapes. No temporary sign shall be erected so as to prevent free ingress to or egress from any door, window or fire escape, nor shall such sign be attached to any standpipe or fire escape.
    Erection, anchorage and support. Every temporary sign shall be attached to the wall with wire or steel cable, and no strings, ropes or wood slats for anchorage or support purposes shall be permitted.
    Duration of permits. Permits for temporary signs shall authorize erection of said signs and their maintenance for a period not exceeding 30 days or less as determined by the Borough Council and shall be removed sooner if torn or damaged.
    Hold-harmless requirements. An agreement holding the Borough, its officials and employees harmless while the temporary sign is erected and/or maintained shall be required prior to the issuance of a permit by the Borough Council.