§ 199-23. Freestanding ground signs.  

Latest version.
  • Freestanding ground signs shall be as follows:
    Materials required. All ground signs for which a permit is required under this chapter shall have a surface or facing of incombustible material or be of approved combustible material.
    Letters, etc., to be secured. All letters, figures, characters or representations in cutout or irregular form, maintained in conjunction with, attached to or superimposed upon any sign, shall be safely and securely built or attached to the sign structure.
    Location and size. No ground sign shall exceed four feet by six feet in area.
    Height limitation. It shall be unlawful to erect any ground sign whose total height above ground level is greater than eight feet above the level of the street upon which the sign faces.
    Setback line. No ground sign shall be nearer the street or a property line than 10 feet from the line thereof, and it shall be placed further back if practicable. No ground sign may be erected within the triangular area formed by connecting with a straight line each of two points situated 40 feet distant along the curbline from point of intersection of two streets forming a corner.
    Content of sign. Only the name of the store or business or its officially registered logo or insignia shall appear on any sign.
    Not to mislead, interfere with or confuse traffic. All ground signs shall conform to the provisions of § 199-17.
    Directional signs. Signs indicating direction, parking or service shall be permitted, provided that they do not exceed three square feet in area and the top of the sign is below four feet in height.
    Bracing, anchorage and supports. All grounds signs shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable Building Code.
    Editor's Note: See Ch. 103, Constructions Codes, Uniform.
    Premises to be kept free of weeds, etc. All ground signs and premises surrounding the same shall be maintained by the owner thereof in a clean, sanitary and inoffensive condition and free and clear of all obnoxious substances, rubbish and weeds.
    Limitation of signs. One ground sign will be permitted for each 300 feet of street frontage of a single-occupancy premises on which said signs are situate, but in no event will a total of more than two be permitted for each property in the B-1 and all C Zones. Freestanding ground signs may also be erected to identify a shopping center, mall or plaza; provided, however, that only the name of the shopping center, mall or plaza is allowed, in conformance with the street frontage requirements stated above.