§ 199-17. Illumination.  

Latest version.
  • Lights shall be permitted on ground signs and wall signs; provided, however, that the reflectors shall be provided with proper lenses to prevent the public from viewing the source of light and to concentrate the illumination on the area of the sign so as to prevent glare upon the street or other properties. Lights or external illumination shall be restricted to only the allowable heights of the sign which it is designed to illuminate.
    In all cases where illumination of signs is necessary and is permitted under the terms of this chapter. such signs shall not be illuminated by other than a shielded or otherwise indirect nonflashing white light or illuminated from the interior of a sign with a translucent face.
    In no event will red or green illumination be permitted on any sign in a location which will be confused with a traffic control signal. The Construction Code Official shall have the authority to compel the removal or correction of such sign within 30 days of notification of his decision, whether or not such sign existed at the time of the enactment of this chapter, and proceed in all respects in the same manner as provided in § 199-8.
    In no event will any illumination of any sign be so arranged as to produce undue glare. There shall be no direct or sky-reflected glare exceeding 0.5 footcandle, measured at the property line of the lot occupied by such use. The Construction Code Official shall have the authority to compel the removal or correction of such sign within 30 days of notification of his decision, whether or not such sign existed at the time of the enactment of the chapter, and proceed in all respects in the same manner as provided in § 199-8.
    Highly reflective materials or fluorescent paint is prohibited.
    Illuminated lighting outlining roofs, doors or windows or wall edges of a building or strings of lights are not permitted.
    All lighting in connection with signs shall be extinguished by 11:00 p.m. prevailing time or at the close of the business serviced by said signs or lights, whichever occurs later; provided, however, that the Construction Code Official may authorize exterior lighting at additional hours to assist in the protection of properties which otherwise may be subject to this section when so recommended by the Chief of Police.