§ 188-40. Janitorial service required.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    In every multifamily dwelling containing three or more dwelling units, the owner shall provide or designate a superintendent, janitor, caretaker or housekeeper, who shall at all times maintain the premises in compliance with this code and keep the premises free from filth, garbage, refuse and rubbish and who shall be responsible for the collection of garbage and other refuse from the occupants on a regular schedule and at a reasonable time, and placing the same out for collection in accordance with the provisions of the Code of the Borough. Said person shall be regularly available on the premises to perform his required duties.
    In the event that said superintendent, janitor, caretaker or housekeeper shall not reside in said premises, the owner or operator shall make his name, address and telephone number known to all tenants and shall register the same with the Police, Fire and Zoning Official or Construction Official and shall also make available the name of an alternative individual who shall be responsible during the absence of said superintendent, janitor, caretaker or housekeeper.
    In any premises containing 35 or more dwelling units, rooming units or a combination thereof, said superintendent, janitor, caretaker or housekeeper shall reside on the premises. In any premises containing 70 or more dwelling units, rooming units or a combination thereof, said superintendent, janitor, caretaker or housekeeper shall be a full-time employee. Where more than one building adjoining premises or premises in near proximity to each other are in common ownership or under common management or maintenance supervision, the requirements contained herein shall apply separately to each building unless the owner or manager thereof can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Zoning Official or Construction Official that the proper operation of the premises and provisions for all essential services and facilities as required under Borough codes can be provided by a resident superintendent, janitor, caretaker or housekeeper of one building who shall assume responsibility for the other building or buildings adjoining or in near proximity of his place of residence. A guide for staffing maintenance personnel is as follows:
    Dwelling Units
    Full-Time Personnel
    70 to 100
    101 to 150
    151 to 225
    Said superintendent, janitor, caretaker or housekeeper shall have sufficient knowledge, competence and responsibility and shall have authority from the owner or operator to attend to or arrange for continual operation of all essential services and facilities required under this code. Where violations arise under this code and, by reason of the same, the Zoning Official or Construction Official is doubtful of the qualifications, competence and sense of responsibility of any superintendent, janitor, caretaker or housekeeper, he shall provide written notice to the owner or operator. In the event that the Zoning Official or Construction Official shall find that such person is not capable, competent or willing to regularly perform the duties required by this code, he shall so report to the Borough Council and, with its approval, order the owner or operator to provide that a suitable person be placed in charge and be responsible for said premises within 30 days after notice.
    The failure of any superintendent, janitor, caretaker or housekeeper to comply with the provisions of this code, even in disobedience of instructions, shall not relieve the owner or operator from the duties and responsibilities imposed by this code.
    Editor's Note: See also Ch. 265, Sanitation.