§ 188-32. Maintenance of exterior.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Every foundation, floor, wall, ceiling, door, window, roof or other part of a building shall be kept in good repair and capable of the use intended by its design, and any exterior part or parts thereof subject to corrosion or deterioration shall be kept maintained.
    Every roof, wall, window, exterior door and hatchway or skylight shall be free from holes or leaks that would permit the entrance of water within a dwelling or be a cause of dampness.
    Every foundation, floor and wall of a dwelling shall be made free from chronic dampness.
    Every dwelling shall be free from rodents, vermin and insects. Rodent or vermin extermination and rodent-proofing and vermin-proofing may be required by the local health agency. Rodent and vermin extermination shall be carried out in accordance with applicable codes and Borough Health Officer directives.
    Every operable window, exterior door, skylight and other opening to the outdoors shall be supplied with properly fitting screens in good repair from May 1 until October 1 of each year. Such screens shall have a mesh of not less than 16 gauge. Owner-occupied detached single-family dwellings shall be exempt from this provision.
    Every sidewalk, driveway and parking area shall be kept free of snow and ice in accordance with this code and Borough Code Chapter 208.
    Note: The provisions regarding snow and ice removal in Ch. 208 were included in Art. II, Sidewalk Maintenance, which was repealed 12-16-1997 by Ord. No. 20-97.
    The Property Maintenance Code Official, Construction Official or Zoning Official may order the owners to clean, repair, paint, whitewash or paper such walls or ceilings when a wall or ceiling within a dwelling has deteriorated so as to provide a harborage for rodents or vermin, or when such a wall or ceiling has become stained or soiled, or the plaster, wallboard or other covering has become loose or badly cracked or missing. Non-owner occupants shall keep that part of the dwelling they occupy in a clean and sanitary condition.
    Every water closet compartment floor and bathroom shall be so constructed and maintained as to be reasonably impervious to water so as to permit such floor to be kept in a clean condition.
    Every owner of a dwelling containing two or more dwelling units or lodging units shall be responsible for maintaining in a clean and sanitary condition the common areas of the dwellings and premises thereof.
    All smoke detectors must be maintained in good working order.