§ 188-27. Maintenance of exterior for nonresidential premises.  

Latest version.
  • The duties and responsibilities of owners and operators are as follows:
    The exterior of the premises and accessory structures shall be well maintained and kept free of litter, debris and other unsightly conditions such that the appearance of the premises and buildings shall not constitute a blighting factor, including but not limited to the following:
    Signs. All permanent signs exposed to public view shall be maintained in good repair. Any signs which have excessively weathered or faded or those upon which the paint or finish has excessively peeled or cracked and any which have become obsolete shall, with their supporting members, be removed forthwith or put into a good state of repair. All nonoperative or broken electrical signs shall be repaired or shall, with their supporting members, be removed forthwith. (See Borough Code Chapter 199.)
    Windows. All windows shall be kept clean and free of marks or foreign substances except when necessary in the course of changing displays. No storage of materials, other than advertising display, stock or inventory, shall be permitted in window areas or other areas ordinarily exposed to public view unless said areas are first screened from the public view by drapes, Venetian blinds or other rendering of the windows opaque to the public view. All screening of interiors shall be maintained in a clean and attractive manner and in a good state of repair.
    Storefronts. All storefronts shall be kept in good repair and restored as needed and shall not constitute a safety hazard or nuisance. In the event that repairs to a storefront are made, such repairs shall be made with the same or similar materials used in construction of the storefront in such a manner as to permanently repair the damaged area or areas.