Chapter 155. Noise  

§ 155-1. Definitions.
§ 155-2. Applicability.
§ 155-3. Declaration of findings and policy; applicability.
§ 155-4. Noise control officer. (NCO)
§ 155-5. Maximum permissible sound levels.
§ 155-6. Restricted uses and activities.
§ 155-7. Enforcement; violations and penalties.
§ 155-8. Severability and repealer.
HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Florham Park 12-16-1969 as Ch. 11, § 11-14, of the 1969 Code; amended in its entirety 10-20-1998 by Ord. No. 19-98. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.


Alarm systems — See Ch. 68.
Nuisances — See Ch. 159.
Peace and good order — See Ch. 175.
Property maintenance — See Ch. 188.